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"From Baby Powder to Baby Blues: Johnson & Johnson and Tiger Brands Face Asbestos Infamy"

Holy moly, guys! As if the Johnson & Johnson baby powder scandal wasn't bad enough, we just found out that the largest food producer in South Africa, Tiger Brands, has recalled its Purity Essentials Baby Powder due to asbestos contamination concerns. What is happening to our babies' powder?!

According to Tim Povtak's article on, trace amounts of asbestos were detected in test samples of Tiger Brands' talc-based baby powder. The company insists that the recall was merely a "precautionary measure," but that's still a pretty scary development. And get this: the recall came just a month after Johnson & Johnson announced it was ending the worldwide sale of its talc-based product in 2023 because of the same issue.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is often found near the Earth's surface, close to where talc is mined. It's toxic and can cause serious health problems, including mesothelioma cancer. That's why so many people have filed lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson, claiming that their talc-based baby powder caused serious health issues, including ovarian cancer. In fact, the company has spent close to $1 billion in legal fees and $3.5 billion in settlements and verdicts related to these lawsuits.

It's not just Johnson & Johnson, though. As Tim Povtak points out in his article, most companies have moved away from talc-based powders. Even Tiger Brands, one of the largest packaged goods companies in Africa, is expected to continue selling its talc-based baby powder once the recall has been completed. But with all these concerns about asbestos contamination, one has to wonder if it's really worth the risk.

All in all, this is just another shocking development in the ongoing saga of talc-based baby powder and asbestos contamination. We can only hope that companies take the necessary steps to ensure that their products are safe!

As a remediation expert this news always concerns me! Which is why we at Brylex take every safety precaution and insist on putting safety first in all we do. Looking for a remediation company that cares and knows a thing or two about abatement, give us a call 1-888-BRYLEX4.

Citation Reference:

Povtak, Tim. "Asbestos Found in Talc-Based Tiger Brands Baby Powder.", 14 Sep 2022,

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